KVCR recently put out a survey to our listeners asking them what’s on their minds as Election Day approaches. KVCR’s Megan Jamerson compiled the results…
Monday, October 19 is the last day to register to vote, and the latest numbers show that Inland Empire voters have been registering at some of the highest…
California has a resolution to encourage voter registration in high schools. But just last week the city of San Bernardino’s School Board became the first…
A record number of Californians are now registered to vote - and the state's registration rate is the highest in nearly 25 years. Capital Public Radio's…
The state of California and L.A. County have agreed to purge as many as 1.5 million inactive voter registrations across the state. Judicial Watch sued the…
19.6 million Californias are registered to vote in Tuesday's midterm - more than for any election in state history. Capital Public Radio's Chris Nichols…
Today is the deadline to register to vote in the Nov. 6 election in California. Capital Public Radio's Kacey Gardner has more onhow to get registered…
The Department of Motor Vehicles is under fire yet again this week. First, it was long wait times. The, 23,000 botched voter records. And yesterday, the…
Thousands of people were improperly removed from California voting rolls in 2017, possibly due to an administrative error, says a California coalition for…
California Secretary of State Alex Padilla is holding steadfast to his vow not to turn information from California's voter rolls over to President Trump's…