One hundred days into his term, Governor Gavin Newsom has yet to appoint a State Homelessness Secretary as he promised on the campaign trail.Cap Radio’s…
Governor Gavin Newsome says the mayors of California's largest cities - which includes Riverside Mayor Rusty Bailey - have persuaded him to rework his…
Inland Empire-based international mapping company Esri has developed software that's been used in local communities' annual Point-In-Time homeless counts.…
Anew strategy to help homeless people struggling with mental illness and addiction has gotten thge thumbs up from California Governor Gavin Newsom. And…
On Tuesday morning, record numbers of people volunteered for Riverside County’s annual Point in Time Count of the homeless. Nearly 800 people showed up —…
“Where did you sleep last night,” Alejandra Larson asked her co-worker Cynthia Whittenberg. “Um...on a bench over there at the park,” Whittenberg said.…
Redlands Has A Big Homeless Population, And No Homeless Shelters. Here's What's Being Done About It.The City of Redlands has declared a shelter crisis, and various agencies are figuring out what they can do to continue supporting the homeless. KVCR's…
Southern California is experiencing a housing crisis. And many communities are looking to build more shelters and affordable housing. But for people…
Should voters approve new housing for an estimated 20,000 homeless people with severe mental illness? While most people agree the end goal of Promposition…
A ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco clarifies how cities cxan regulate where homeless people sleep. As Capital Public Radio's…