The Riverside Police Department is warning the community about a mail fraud scheme involving letters from the Employment Development Department or E.D.D.…
Monday through Thursday at lunchtime, Empire KVCR News has your daily news rundown. Stories highlighted today include:1) California's monarch butterfly…
On Friday, California’s state employment Development Department confirmed that unemployment rate is at a record low of 4.1 percent. KVCR’s Katie Trojano…
California's unemployment rate fell to a record low 4.2 percent in April as the state added nearly 40,000 jobs, according to data released Friday. More…
California is experiencing a statewide record low unemployment rate. And the Inland Empire also has one of the lowest jobless rates in recent memory. More…
California employers will no longer be able to ask about your salary history during the job application process. Capital Public Radio's Randol White…
The unemployment rate in the Inland Empire - and in the state as a whole - ticked upward for the first time in years. KVCR's Ken Vincent has more.
The long, slow decline in unemployment in California continued during the month of May, according to new state numbers. As Capital Public Radio's Ben…
The California economy had a much better April than March, according to new unemployment data. The jobless rate ticked down again, and the state created…
A new analysis of U. S. Census data shows California's recovery from the Great Recession is not yet complete. As Capital Public Radio's Ben Adler reports,…