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IE Latino Voices shines light on Latino-led and serving organizations.

September 27: IE Latino Voices

Ted Alejandre Superintendent of Schools San Bernardino County

Yvette Walker
With 91.9 KVCR News, I'm Yvette Walker. This is IE Latino Voices where we invite representatives from Latino led and Latino serving organizations to share their stories and their impact in our region. Today we've invited Ted Alejandre from San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools to join us. Thank you so much for being with us today, Mr. Alejandre.

Ted Alejandre

Thank you so much, Yvette. It's wonderful to be here today.


Please talk about your role as San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools.


Yes, I’d be happy to. You know, in San Bernardino County, we have 33 school districts that serve over 400,000 students. And as the county superintendent my most important role is to provide key support to all of the districts so that their students can do the best in all of the academic programs that they're involved with. And the partnerships and collaboration we have with superintendents and school board members is stellar. It's wonderful working with all of our districts, and something that we strive together to make a difference for every student. Our motto in our organization is “Transforming Lives through Education.”


That's amazing. Please tell us about some of the programs you're most proud of.


Oh, there's a number of programs. But probably the first is our Cradle to Career Roadmap, which is really part of our county wide vision, which is to make our county the best place to live, work and play. And the elements that are involved, education is one of the top priorities. And to look at the goals of education, it's embedded within our cradle to career which really has the key indicators for success for every student: zero to five, K12, post secondary for academics, and also for personal readiness. So all the resources and program development staff development that we provide districts is tied to that roadmap.


That's remarkable. Mr. Alejandre, please share what the future of education and San Bernardino looks like.

Very promising. We have committed and talented individuals across our county that do their best to serve students. Many things are coming up to change the landscape. Artificial intelligence has a big impact now and will continue to have a big impact now, but you can never replace the creativity and mindsets that educators have in supporting every aspect of a child's life. So, we have a bright future ahead.


How can a community learn more about programs and events to support you and your students?


Probably the best is to go onto our website. They'll find many resources. We have an interactive C to C that parents can use to find the best resources to support their children and to learn about the events that we do: student events, program events, all of the different elements that we provide support to over 400,000 students again in our county.


And last question, please share with us a story that stands out most to you in your work as superintendent of schools.


One is our graduation program that we started in county schools. We serve students that are in our Alternative Ed programs. And these are students that have been expelled from school that are on probation referred to probation. They've had many challenges and many difficulties in their regular K12 experience. So they're sent to our programs. And when I became superintendent, we started a graduation program where we put these individuals on the right track to meet their requirements. First year of our program, we expected to have 10 graduates, we actually had 36 The very next year 180. And every year we have students graduating with their lives that may have been going in totally the wrong direction. Now they have a plan to move forward in a way that's going to be positive for them, their families and our communities. So, when you turn lives around like that, transform lives through education. It is something that's incredible.


That is wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing your time with us today Mr. Alejandre.

Ted Alejandre

Thank you so much. It was wonderful being here.

Yvette Walker

Join us again next week for IE Latino Voices. You can find this story and others on our website at kvcrnews.org/ielatinovoices. IE Latino Voices is produced by KVCR Public Media and is funded by generous support from the CIELO fund at IECF, uplifting and investing in the IE’s Latino community. For KVCR News, I'm Yvette Walker.

Yvette Walker is a Spanish bilingual, Southern California native and owner of Premier Marketing & Public Relations, a full-service, digital media and traditional media marketing and public relations firm and produces and hosts ABC News Affiliate - Southern California Business Report.
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