With a February that felt more like July, it would seem as if the so-called "Godzilla El Nino" abandoned us after a few downpours in January. While it…
Talk of a 'Godzilla El Nino' this winter has some people predicting an end to the California drought by spring. That's one of several questionable claims…
Recent storms have brought some relief, however slight, in California's historic 4-year drought. Capital Public Radio's Ed Joyce has this update.
The January storms in Northern California are partly the result of El Nino. But Southern California hasn't had as much El Nino weather as promised... yet.…
California may need to prepare for less snow and more rain from the El Nino weather system developing in the Pacific Ocean. That's according to new…
The Riverside County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved an emergency declaration authorizing county agencies to make necessary preparations ahead…
Californians are hoping El Nino will bring some relief from the drought this winter, but there's also concern it may bring major flooding. Capital Public…
The latest forecast from the NOAA Climate Prediction Center predicts El Nino will help improve the drought in parts of California through January. But as…
This month, forecasters and meteorologists upgraded the probability of El Nino from 90 to 95 percent. Adjectives to describe the weather phenomenon are…
A strengthening El Nino and a patch of warm ocean water called "the blob" could bring some relief from the California drought. But as Capital Public…