Longtime Inland Empire journalist and KVCR contributor Cassie MacDuff and KVCR's Benjamin Purper review some of the big Inland Empire news stories from…
Election Day is tomorrow, and one of the names many Inland Empire voters will see on their ballot is Congressman Pete Aguilar, representing the 31st…
Today’s is California’s online voter registration deadline. CapRadio’s Chris Nichols has some details on what that means. You can go to…
Election season is in full swing, and California’s ballot is chock full of propositions. One measure would exempt gig companies from a law that makes it…
Both the Riverside and San Bernardino County Registrar of Voters say the U.S. Postal Service received mail-in ballots ready to send to voters on Monday,…
California repealed affirmative action more than 20 years ago. But now, amid protests for racial justice, voters will have the opportunity to reinstate…
Former Press Enterprise columnist and long-time KVCR-news contributor Cassie MacDuff and KVCR's Megan Jamerson take a look at the Riverside Mayoral Race…
The presidential race often steals attention away from local races and ballot measures. Former Press Enterprise columnist and long-time KVCR-news…
In honor of National Voter Registration Day, clean-elections groups are urging all citizens to take part in our democracy, and they have some tips on how…
A measure on the November ballot would increase state funding for stem cell research on treatments for HIV, Alzheimer’s and dozens of other…