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Most-Shared In 2015: Stories That Grabbed The Two-Way's Readers

Sarah Johnson makes a call during a preseason football game. Our story about Johnson becoming the NFL's first full-time female game official was one of the Two-Way's most-shared posts of 2015.
Stephen Brashear
Sarah Johnson makes a call during a preseason football game. Our story about Johnson becoming the NFL's first full-time female game official was one of the Two-Way's most-shared posts of 2015.

What stories on the Two-Way did readers respond to the most this year? That's a question we wanted to answer in looking at end-of-year statistics for 2015.

These aren't the stories that were shared the most in 2015 in terms of sheer volume — a lineup that largely mirrors the list of our most-viewed stories for the year.

We wanted to see which posts resonated enough with people that readers shared them with friends and followers at a high rate, because in terms of a story's resonance, the metric of page views only goes so far.

Here are the top 10 posts, courtesy of NPR's audience insights team. And because this is really about our readers, we're including the top comment from each story:

  • Thousands Of Soldiers With Mental Health Disorders Kicked Out For 'Misconduct' - Oct. 28
    Reader Jack Mallory wrote: "I served as a captain in a combat unit in Vietnam. It's sad to see that much of the reaction to this devastating indictment of our treatment of our own soldiers has more to do with a desire to bash politicians than any real sympathy for the troops. Shame on those who treat our troops this way, and shame on those who would use the issue to political ends."
  • Juan Felipe Herrera Named U.S. Poet Laureate - June 10
    Reader Jimmy Walter wrote: "Sir, I admit your General rule,
    That every Poet is a fool.
    But you yourself may serve to Show it
    Every fool is not a Poet"
    Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    1772 - 1839"
  • Ronnie Gilbert, Clarion Voice Of Folk Band The Weavers, Dies At 88 - June 7
    Reader glenglish wrote: "A sad day for folk music. PS I don't avow the Communist Party but I don't diavow it either. This kinda makes me wanna disavow NBC."
  • For S.C.'s Poet Laureate, An Inauguration Poem Without An Inaugural Audience - Jan. 14
    Reader Carol Grady wrote: "If Marjorie Wentworth had been allowed to read her poem at the inauguration, likely none of us would have heard about it. Now the entire nation gets to hear her words, and make our own assessments of the state of politics in South Carolina."
  • Louis Stokes, Ohio's First African-American U.S. Congressman, Dies At 90 - Aug. 19
    Reader Ms. M wrote: "He was one of the good ones and Ohio is better off because of him."
  • Charles Townes, Laser Pioneer, Black Hole Discoverer, Dies At 99 - Jan. 28
    Reader Layla Singh wrote: "He was my grandfather. He was smart, gentle, kind, non judge-mental, dedicated, thoughtful, optimistic, open minded and full of life. He was always learning and shared his love of learning with everyone around him. He loved his family and we always felt loved by him. He is an inspiration to many people for many different reasons. He was a great human!"
  • Judge Throws Out Friendship 9's Civil Rights-Era Conviction - Jan. 28
    Reader homebuilding wrote: "A very sincere 'Thank You' to these honorable and brave gentlemen. It's very revealing to note that the judge that will exonerate them, today--is the nephew of the judge that passed sentence on them, not so long ago.
  • "Positive change is possible.
    "But it takes constant vigilance and effort--to overcome those powerful elements that protect and defend their privilege (and who, by and large, own a large fraction of media outlets and gladly accept the Koch Bros millions)"

    Washington State Governor Says He Welcomes Syrian Refugees - Nov. 18
    Reader Mr Natural wrote: "GOOD FOR YOU Gov.! Don't let the terrorists deter you from doing the right thing!"

    NFL Makes It Official: Sarah Thomas Is First Woman To Be A Full-Time Ref - April 8
    Reader Evan Dreyer wrote: "Except that there are of course NO full time refs in the NFL, which many perceive as a problem. I will say I look forward to the day when this is not news."

  • OSHA Launches Program To Protect Nursing Employees - June 24
    Reader Missus H wrote:
  • "Ceiling lifts are weight limited and in the ICU (40 bed) where I worked, only one room had one. A hoyer was purchased but since the other departments either lacked one or theirs was broken, ours was always MIA (often later found hidden in other depts storage areas so that they could continue using it.) If a nurse claimed an injury resulted from lifting a patient, that claim was rejected if that nurse did not use lift equipment. What lift equipment??
    "And, in an ICU there is less actually moving of the patient from point A to B as there is turning (routine turns, bathing, code brown, general comfort, etc), lifts are useless for that. Turning sheets only help until a certain point when a patient is just too large to turn without a nurse getting a injury.
    "I never had a workman's comp claim but after developing myelopathy that is caused by disks starting to compress my spinal cord, I left nursing and refuse to damage myself physically any longer for too long hours, too little pay and horrible administration who don't give a dam*. It is not worth it."

    Copyright 2021 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org.

    Bill Chappell is a writer and editor on the News Desk in the heart of NPR's newsroom in Washington, D.C.