Yvette Walker
With KVCR news, I'm Yvette Walker. This is IE Latino Voices where we invite representatives from Latino led and Latino serving organizations to share their stories and their impacts in our region. Joining me today is Angel Fajardo, Director of Inland Empire Immigrant Youth Collective. Or IEIYC. Thank you so much for being with us today, Angel.
Angel Fajardo
Hi. Thank you for bringing me back.
Yvette Walker
Please share what prompted the initiation of the Inland Empire Youth Collective.
Angel Fajardo
The IEIYC was born from a couple of college students that were within the region. And they came together because they were all experiencing the same thing, this lack of resources, lack of knowledge from their educational system. So they came together to figure out basically their higher education goals, as well as advocacy goals of what changes they wanted to make in their community. You know, meeting at coffee shops getting together, coming up with plans, and then eventually they were offered funding to be more official.
Yvette Walker
Angel, please talk about the fellowship program.
Angel Fajardo
So the Immigrant Youth Fellowship Program, we just launched it last year, thanks to the CIELO Fund. And we were able to onboard four fellows, one of which was focusing on financial wellness, political advocacy, communications, and youth organizing. And it was like a 15-week program for low income immigrant youth who had just finished graduating college or maybe were still in the process of doing their undergrad - get the opportunity to really work on their skills, develop their skills in the social justice field. And yeah, it was an amazing experience to work with them to launch. It was also very important to us. It was crucial because it's the first of its kind in the IE.
Yvette Walker
And what is the feedback you've received from those who have participated in the fellowship program.
Angel Fajardo
Even though we only had four fellows this was really impactful to them. Each of them reported that it impacted them positively professionally. But also, you know, that it was like a career breaking opportunity for them. One of them even decided that they want to go to grad school, something that they had been thinking about, and they just felt valued by their knowledge and skills as individuals.
Yvette Walker
Please share some of the advice you have for those that are seeking resources.
Angel Fajardo
You can definitely look us up. Go on our website, www.theieiyc.org. Or follow us online as well if social media is the way you get your information. But I think we do a pretty good job of disseminating information. And you can reach out to us if there's anything specific that you're looking for.\
Yvette Walker
And what's the best way to support the Inland Empire Youth Collective?
Angel Fajardo
I would say, to become an ally or to join our movement, because a lot of the things that are available in the state have to do with the advocacy, the years of advocacy that we've put in. And so just being able to join us in that journey. And if possible, come and join us at our events to really support the individuals who we service because they feel supported when they see community present.
Yvette Walker
Thank you so much for being with us today, Angel.
Angel Fajardo
Thank you.
Yvette Walker
Join us again next week for IE Latino Voices. You can find this story and others on our website at kvcrnews.org/ieLatinovoices. IE Latino voices is produced by KVCR Public Media and it's funded by generous support from the CIELO fund at IECF, uplifting and investing in the IE’s Latino community. For KVCR News, I’m Yvette Walker.